February 02, 2022

5 Crystals That Promote A Zen Home Ambiance

Crystals have been used for aesthetic purposes and for drawing in positive energy that promotes well-being and good fortune. Ancient Chinese and Egyptian civilizations harnessed the powers of different gemstones in religious and burial ceremonies. Today, many people still practice the use of crystals in promoting a healthier life and zen home environment.

With the pandemic continuing to scare people and keep them at home, it is important to establish a home that encourages safety, leisure, and well-being. And if you’re an avid believer of Feng Shui principles, here are five crystals to boost your home’s zen ambiance:

Clear Quartz

Called the “Master Healer,” clear quartz is a must-have for beginner crystal enthusiasts. They’re known to have potent healing properties such as reducing anxiety, clearing your mind, and detoxifying negative vibes. Clear quartz crystals also amplify the energy of other crystals; placing them beside other stones may enhance their healing properties.

Clear quartz comes in large chunks or jewelry forms. Place clear quartz pieces on the corners of your home to build a crystal grid. This will draw in the positive energy needed to maintain serenity and calmness in your home. You may also wear clear quartz jewelry pieces to amplify the zen environment of your Idesia Dasmariñas home. 

Rose Quartz

The pink cousin of clear quartz is called the “love stone” as it brings love energy to your space. Rose quartz is the gemstone that encourages loving relationships between couples and family members. For Valentine’s Day, rose quartz is a suitable gift for your beloved.

Rose quartz doesn't just bolster romantic and platonic love. As a soothing stone, it may help you learn to love yourself more. Meditate with your rose quartz stone by speaking a mantra and asking it to unlock your heart and let all the self-love and acceptance flow into your life.


Jade is a prized gemstone by ancient Chinese, Southeast Asian, Mesoamerican, and Maori cultures. The stone, preferably the green variant, is said to have powerful and magical attributes that attract wealth, success, and the blessings of the Universe. Combine your jade stones with other good Feng Shui elements to enhance abundance and good fortune in your life.

Green jade also stabilizes the energy in your home. Its color makes it excellent for balancing out areas in your home that lack the wood element. Place jade in wood areas to bring prosperity and growth energy into your home.


Another feng shui crystal you should get is citrine. This golden, amber-like stone reflects the fire element well and is believed to bring more happiness, energy, passion, and creativity. Add a citrine chunk into your home office to enhance your focus and productivity. You’ll also stay creative to pitch in new ideas and strategies at work.

Citrine is also said to transform negative energy into positive. Feng Shui experts recommend placing your citrine crystals in the center of your home to sequester negative and toxic energy and release it back as positive chi.


Hematites may look like regular stones for decorating ponds and aquariums, but these underwhelming crystals are known for neutralizing negative energy that may have accumulated in a home. Use these to detoxify and free your home from impurities.

In addition, hematite stones also resonate with both the earth and water elements. Place these in fire-dominant areas to balance out the feng shui energy and establish Yin and Yang in your space.


Perhaps the reason crystals take a long time to form beautifully is that they harness positive energy from nature and the universe and transform it into attributes that promote wellness and zen. Add these five crystals into your home to establish peace, success, and serenity all year round.

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