February 02, 2022

5 Tips for Designing Your Kids’ Bedroom

As your kids grow from toddlers to grade-schoolers, they learn to be more independent and realize that they’ll need their personal spaces to play, learn, and grow. Turning your nursery into a bedroom and play area may be challenging. Still, the results will lead your little ones to the path of responsibility, independence, and taking care of themselves.

After you’ve reduced your formerly nursery into a bare space, you might wonder how to create a kid’s bedroom that encourages fun, safety, comfort, and learning. That said, here are five tips for designing the best bedroom for your kids:

Keep It Simple

While aesthetics provide unique touches, it is always best to keep things simple. Choose a neutral or pastel color scheme for your kids’ room. The subtlety of these colors provides lots of room for design and layout changes. Simplicity and functionality suit homes with a modern minimalist design, such as Idesia Dasmariñas in Cavite.

Select modular furniture pieces for more function and practicality like desks with drawers, open shelves, storage boxes, and beds with extra storage. Got two or three kids sharing one room? Choose a double-deck or trundle bed. You’ll put two sleeping spaces in one while making more room for playtime without compromising comfort.

Add Pops of Color

A neutral or pastel bedroom also allows you to use vibrant colors for accents. Let’s say your kids’ bedroom has cream walls, a gray carpeted floor, and light brown furniture. Choose pieces with bold colors; a bright yellow chair will complement your child’s desk, while bright blue pillows will go well with their bed.

Add life to the room’s walls by hanging artworks. Splashes of bright colors, storybook illustrations, and vibrant decals are some of the perfect decor options. Consider mounting some of your kids’ drawings on the walls. Doing so will encourage them to stay in touch with their creative sides.

Double the Storage Spaces

Your kiddos’ bedrooms should have essential items that promote creativity, fun, comfort, and responsibility. As you add books, toys, games, clothes, and supplies that suit your kids’ personalities, it is crucial to have ample storage space to keep their rooms organized.

Double the storage space in your kids’ wardrobe by installing a second rail to hang their clothes. Place hanging shelves to hold books and decor items. Use the under of their beds to hide storage boxes with toys, pajamas, fuzzy slippers, and costumes. Designate drawers and cupboards to keep their art supplies, puzzle games, and smaller items organized. Assigning space for your kids’ things also teaches them to put where they belong after use.

Childproof for Safety

Your kids may no longer be tiny toddlers, but their rooms should still be safe for rough play sessions. Prevent accidents and injuries by childproofing their bedrooms before they settle in; you want your kiddos to be safe and comfortable as soon as they spend the first day in their new room.

In addition, soften sharp furniture corners with rubber protectors. Cushion their floors by adding carpets and rugs. Keep shelves and cabinets from falling (especially if you live near fault lines) by using wall brackets to hold them in place. Prevent electrocution by covering their outlets and you can also teach them to ask for help to plug or unplug electronics. 

Leave Room for Upgrades

Your kids’ bedrooms should accommodate their changing needs and preferences. Part of keeping things simple is to make room for future room upgrades. For instance, the neutral color scheme is suitable for all ages; repaint the walls to create a brand-new look in their rooms.

Doubling the storage also means your kids’ room will have more open spaces to fit larger beds and desks. The extra storage space also allows you to keep childhood trinkets organized and ready for field trips to memory lane, should you and your grown children decide to take a look back.


Every child is unique and different. That said, their bedrooms should promote their creativity, leisure, safety, and healthy growth. Use these five tips to design your kids’ bedrooms to cater to their needs and preferences.

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