December 12, 2021

5 Violet House Plants You Should Have This 2022

Plants add life, texture, and beauty to any indoor space. The array of indoor plants paves the way for plant lovers to continue gardening even if they have limited space at home. Many hardy and low-maintenance plants also allow beginner green thumbs to start growing their plants without the fear of killing them.

If you’re planning to start an indoor garden this 2022, consider getting these five purple house plants. Since the following year’s Pantone color is Very Peri, raising violet-hued greens might attract good energy for your home and life goals. Here are purple-toned plants that add a pop of color to your residence: 


Calatheas have broad, oval-shaped dark green leaves with white marks and purple bottoms. They can group to two feet and thrive in moderate to high humidity. In addition, Calatheas also grow well in both direct and indirect sunlight. That said, residents of Solviento Villas may place their potted Calathea plants near their windows for optimal growth.

This plant’s purple and green leaves create a beautiful contrast that complements neutral interior designs. The color combination of dark green and violet also establishes a modern and regal feel to any space.

Wandering Jew

If you don’t have ample floor space for other indoor plants, consider hanging some on a wall bracket or mounting plants on your wall. Wandering Jews are crawling plants that are perfect for your hanging gardens. 

With lengths reaching 24 inches, Wandering Jew plants thrives in well-draining soil. Wandering Jews grow better in bright, direct sunlight, so it’s best to hang them close to a source of sunlight, such as a window or balcony.

Chinese Evergreens

Also called Aglaonema, Chinese evergreens have been cultivated for centuries. They’re lovely indoor plants with green foliage marked with reddish-violet lines. Aglaonemas are also deemed lucky plants. If you want to utilize Feng Shui principles in your home this coming 2022, placing potted Chinese evergreens in lucky spots may attract the positive energy you need.

However, Chinese evergreens are pretty hard to grow in drier environments. To maintain soil moisture, make sure to water them accordingly. They also prefer partial shade, so keep them in a corner that receives little sunlight. You would want your Chinese evergreens to grow healthy and beautifully all year round.


Echeveria is a genus of over 150 purple rose-like succulent plants. They vary in shape and size, making them suitable for dish gardens and terrariums. Colors for these succulents range from lavender to darker purple hues with green tints. 

Since they are succulents, Echeveria plants are easy to grow and have little maintenance. While they only need watering once a week, Echeveria plants need full sun to grow beautifully. Ample sun and air will promote healthier and more beautiful growth for their purple rosettes.


Coleus, known as mayana in the Philippines, is another easy-to-grow plant suitable for indoors and outdoors. They have heart-shaped leaves with colors ranging from deep violet, red-violet with light green edges, and green with red-violet specks. Place your coleus plants in a sunny spot to enjoy bright and direct sunlight that helps them grow healthy and have vibrant purple leaves.


Purple-colored plants add vibrancy, texture, and a refreshing aesthetic to any indoor space. These five greens also allow plant lovers to enjoy bits of nature even if they are at home. Consider adding these plants to your indoor garden and enjoy violet’s creativity and royalty characteristics.

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