November 11, 2021

Feng Shui Decorating Tips for An Auspicious Condo in 2022

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that involves arranging a living space in a specific way to utilize energy forces and bring about balance and harmony in one’s life. If you’re already planning to live in a peaceful environment like Amaia Steps Alabang, the next step is to make sure your condo unit is in line with its surroundings. 

Are you ready to start the new year right? Here are a few practical feng shui decorating tips to consider for an auspicious condo this coming new year. 

Keep clutter at bay

Chi, or vital energy, can’t properly circulate in a messy and cramped space. You must get rid of clutter and organize all your possessions and furniture. Doing so will ensure that the chi in your home will circulate freely, allowing good luck to flow through. 

Try to downsize your belongings and only keep things that are purposeful to you. Decor is fine to have around but keep it minimal. The key to a harmonious environment is a simple and tidy space where chi can move through without any obstacles blocking its way.

Decorate with crystals

Geodes, crystal balls, polished stones, faceted crystals, and crystal lamps aren’t just lovely to look at. Natural crystals are derived from the earth, which means they’re connected to the earth element in feng shui. They’re great additions to your condo unit if you want your life to feel more grounded and stable. 

Prioritize adequate lighting

There are plenty of condo units like those in Amaia Steps Alabang that benefit from adequate light sources. These features allow the living space to feel brighter and more spacious, making it easy for chi to flow freely. Introduce various light sources into your home, like lamps, LED strip lights, and small chandeliers. 

Introduce plants into your living space

Potted plants with rounded leaves and no thorns are ideal to have around your condo unit. They can breathe life into your living spaces and stimulate the circulation of chi. Just make sure that they receive adequate sunlight and water, as withered and unhealthy plants attract unwanted yin or “decaying” energy into your home.

Expand the space with mirrors

Make your condo unit feel bigger and brighter by decorating it with mirrors to add depth and reflect light. Just be sure not to place a mirror directly in front of your condo unit’s main entrance. 

Doing so will push out chi and good luck that enter through it. It would be best to place them facing areas that reflect positive facets of your home, such as the dining room or garden, instead of the laundry room. 

Display your successes

Don’t be shy about your achievements! Displaying your accolades is highly encouraged when it comes to feng shui. It’s also recommended that you decorate your condo unit with lucky charms and items that represent your passion and career as a way to manifest success, a good reputation, and recognition in your field. 

Guarantee an auspicious start to the new year by embracing these feng shui condo decorating tips, whether you’re moving into a new condo unit in Amaia Steps Alabang or currently living in one.

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