August 08, 2021

Essential Home Equipment for the Stormy Season

The Philippines’ rainy season lasts from June to November. That’s almost half a year of consistent rainfall. Modern developments like Bria Homes Lipa are built to take on the country’s tropical climate. However, unforeseen events that come from typhoons like power outages and floods can ruin not only your day but also your home and appliances.

Here are essential things to get if you want to keep yourself comfortable (and your possessions dry) during the rainy season.


Leak Detectors

Water is every home appliance’s mortal enemy. It can cause short circuits in electronic parts. Water accelerates the rusting process in metal components. It can also cause wood and other natural materials to rot. These problems can all cause a device or machine to fail immediately or over time. 

Leaks and floods from rain could cause water to get into your appliances and furniture. Prevent this issue by getting a leak detector. These are small devices with special sensors that alert you the moment it gets wet. It’s best to place these under your sink, under and on top of your important appliances, and in your basement. This way, you know which of them to move or unplug in the event of a flood or leak.


A Gasoline Generator

Strong winds and even lighting strikes can damage power lines and create outages. Some power companies may shut off electricity in some areas for safety reasons. If you absolutely need power during an outage, get a portable power generator. These devices provide electricity using an engine that runs on gas. 

However, most consumer-level generators can only power a few appliances at once. As such, you should only use them on essential appliances, like chargers for your mobile devices and electric fans. Some generators can even power refrigerators, as long as they have enough watt allowance.


Water Purifier

If you rely on water stations to get your drinking water, you may not have access to them during a stormy day. Your best bet is to use a purifier to clean the water from your tap. These devices use layers of minerals to rid the water of dirt and other impurities. What’s great about water purifiers is they don’t need electricity to function. So, you can use them even during an outage. 


Battery-powered Lighting and Radio

Lights at night are vital to helping you navigate your home in the dark during an outage. A radio is also a useful tool to stay updated about the latest news about the weather and possible relief efforts. 

Fortunately, you can get both in one package. There are many rechargeable three-in-one (electric fan, light, and radio) devices on the market. Just make sure to keep these charged in case of an emergency. 


Power Bank

You should keep your mobile devices, like your smartphone and tablet, fully charged before or during a storm. They help you stay updated with loved ones and contact rescue lines, if necessary. Make sure to charge a power bank or two, too. These will significantly extend the battery life of your devices during a possible outage. 


Typhoon season in the Philippines can be a difficult time for everyone. Flooding and power outages are common problems caused by storms. Prepare yourself for rainy days with the equipment listed above.


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